Friday 10 December 2010

99% Perfection in Writing is NOT Enough

The essay writing today went towards a disaster. The essay topic was titled "Why might an ambitious person be a dangerous man?"

After the disaster we came to the following conclusions -
  1. Read and write more. From Text Books, Novels, Short Stories and WEB.
  2. DON'T work hard - it only makes a Donkey out of you.
  3. Wisdom is treacherous - Don't try to be wise.
  4. Have METHOD in the Madness of writing. 
  5. Things that went wrong - Repetition, Paragraphing, Wrong Sentence Construction, Poor or NO Logic.
  6. Absurdity in Arguments.
  7. Argumentative essays are always supported with Illustrations - except for Saqlain's essay, there were no references or illustrations. 
  8. Extremely Poor Vocabulary.
  9. No one kept her log-book in front wile writing the essays.
  10. Variety of Punctuation was Completely Absent.
TASK for coming Friday:
  • Write a 15 min script that shows the beginning of BAT (Bangladesh American Tobacco) 100 years ago when 11 businessmen came together to to form a Company that dominates a global market that is worth billions of Dollars.
  • Bring Seely's Oxford Secondary English - read the entire 2nd part. 

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