Saturday, 17 September 2011

Argumentative Essay Topic

  1. Child obesity can only be stopped by putting a ban on fast-food chains.
  2. There is no solution to the traffic problem in Dhaka.
  3. Communism is a better way to governance than capitalism is.
  4. Instead of increasing tax, government should negotiate with opposition to put an end to strikes and thus save public money.
  5. Limited physical punishment at school should be allowed.
  6. Social networking is detrimental to studies.
  7. Bullying is fine within limits.
  8. Cats are better than dogs. 
  9. Drugs are NOT affecting today's youngsters.
  10. Sale of gaming consoles should be stopped in Bangladesh.
  11. Poverty is never going to be eradicated in Bangladesh.
  12. Better governance can only be assured by a rule of many instead of rule by one.
  13. Child labor should NOT be banned in Bangladesh.
  14. Video games create psychological and behavioral disorder in children that stays through adult years.

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