Monday, 8 November 2010

O Level Language with the Anglophiles

Hi Everyone!

Meeting with O Level Students [9th October]

Today after the O Level Language class I had a talk with – Shafat, Argho, Saklaen, Zubaer, Saiyudh, Mohini – regarding how to improve writing volume. I suggested that they can write me reports of their readings, send long mails to their friends, keep a diary of readings and websites visited, and even start a blog which shall be visited by others to get information about the Administrator Group's activities.

Argho suggested that video comments could make the blogs really interesting to watch. He also suggested that writing about images collected from online sources can be interesting too. Saiyudh suggested that the blog could possibly add items that SHOULD be read by other students. [This last comments should be done by the Students themselves and thus is an excellent example of Peer-assisted learning.]

More are coming - so, keep visiting!

1 comment:

  1. I believe it's a very interesting approach and I cant wait to be a part of it.
