Tuesday, 21 December 2010

2 Previous Posts from Saqlain

The 1st Item

                                           Why might an ambition man be a dangerous man?

Ambition is surely a human attribute. A man with ambition will certainly be with a man with a future. She shall plan things and make best use of the opportunities, drive out all competitors, make powerful sacrifices, demand similar things from people around herself - all in the name of ambition. Therefore, it would not be wrong to say an ambitious person is also an idealist. But idealism can be sometime very dangerous as it can blind the person, for the ambitions man nothing is more important than achieving the goal. 
            An Edmund Hillary or an Amundsen is ambitious - both of them are idealistic and we take pride in their achievements. But so is the Hitler or Macbeth - one wanted to decide the fate of mankind and the other wanted to see himself at the top through whatever cost. Therefor the ambition is not dangerous in all instances but behind ever ambitious person larks a possibility of recklessness. 
           So, I can even conclude an ambitions person has a strong possibility of become a danger to himself and others. 

The 2nd Item


I have read two articles from Secondary Englsih-3
 1.That's Incredible
 I have read three more articles from Secondary English-4
 1.The Ages of Man
 2.The Poison Tree
 3.Memory of childhood
Besides this I have read Julius Ceaser from WWW.CUMMINGSSTUDYGUIDES.NET

[My Note: Saqlain, I would have loved it if you could just mention what are the things that you liked most about each of the reading items - especially the Shakespeare item.]

Friday, 17 December 2010

The Two Problems that affect the way you write

There are at least two thoughts that visit us every time we settle down to write:
  • I am not being able to write what I am thinking. Is it a problem with vocabulary? Is it a problem with format? Is it a problem with information?
  • What I am writing is probably NOT going to be correct.
How do we address these TWO crises that almost every student are familiar with?

So, here go the answers (not definite but suggestions) -
  1. First - it is not a problem with either Vocabulary, or Format, or Information. It is rather a problem with little amount of experience with writing. So, if you are prolific (look it up in the Dictionary) - there can actually be NO trouble in the end.
  2. There is not a SINGLE way of writing a text - so, whatever you write is to some extent Correct - whether the teacher agrees with it or NOT.
  3. Therefore, Be Prolific.
  4. Read like a Writer - Write like a Reader. 

Friday, 10 December 2010

99% Perfection in Writing is NOT Enough

The essay writing today went towards a disaster. The essay topic was titled "Why might an ambitious person be a dangerous man?"

After the disaster we came to the following conclusions -
  1. Read and write more. From Text Books, Novels, Short Stories and WEB.
  2. DON'T work hard - it only makes a Donkey out of you.
  3. Wisdom is treacherous - Don't try to be wise.
  4. Have METHOD in the Madness of writing. 
  5. Things that went wrong - Repetition, Paragraphing, Wrong Sentence Construction, Poor or NO Logic.
  6. Absurdity in Arguments.
  7. Argumentative essays are always supported with Illustrations - except for Saqlain's essay, there were no references or illustrations. 
  8. Extremely Poor Vocabulary.
  9. No one kept her log-book in front wile writing the essays.
  10. Variety of Punctuation was Completely Absent.
TASK for coming Friday:
  • Write a 15 min script that shows the beginning of BAT (Bangladesh American Tobacco) 100 years ago when 11 businessmen came together to to form a Company that dominates a global market that is worth billions of Dollars.
  • Bring Seely's Oxford Secondary English - read the entire 2nd part. 

Reasons for Absense

This is for record that Sakib, Irfan, and Sitab could not attend today's class as they had to prepare for attending King Shahrukh Khan's evening party.

We hope they had a wonderful time - we will want to share it tomorrow morning.

Monday, 6 December 2010

An Old Post from Argho


I have finished "Sophie's World" and I must say that it's an awesome book and must be read with intervals. 

If this book is read at one go its flavour will be lost. So I suggest that this book should be gone through with breaks. It opens up the mind and clears us of all small questions that bother us generally. "Sophie's World" is a beautiful adventure that opens up in the course of time. A book for teens and adults, "Sophie's World" no doubt have exceeded my expectation.

I would like to stop my reading items for the time being. My half yearly is very near and I have to finish my syllabus. I will meet you on Saturday. 

Friday, 3 December 2010

A Mail from Shafat Jamil - I thought that this would be important to Everyone

Hello Sir,

I  am really confused sir. I have many questions to ask, please send me the answers.

          What are the requirements for getting a full scholarship in USA?
          What subjects  should I have to get a scholarship?
          Is it true that I should have at least 8 subjects in o'level to get a scholarship?
          Which subjects I must have to appear in sat exams?
          Some say that 8 subjects are needed to get credit in oversea's universities, is it true?
          What subjects I have to study for sat?
Please sir send me the answers, I am in a great mess with these questions and I think you are the only person who can help me.

Here are answers to ALL your questions. 
  1. Scholarship Requirements for US: Good Grades in O Level and AS Level + High SAT I and II scores + Good Extracurricular Activities and MOST IMPORTANTLY Excellent Quality Application Essays. 
  2. There is no mandatory subjects. But a combination of Math-English-Physics would be excellent. Having Economics will also be a big advantage.
  3. 8 Subjects are NOT required in ANY university - not even in Harvard or MIT. So, 8 subjects is a BIG LIE.
  4. In O Level you should have Maths - Physics - Language as 3 important subjects. Having Literature would be a HUGE advantage.
  5. The whole question of Credit is a misconception. Credit transfer is allowed when you want to transfer from Bangladesh to US universities. But is such case - there is NO scholarship or AID.
  6. For SAT-I you study English and Maths - English is the MOST difficult part. For SAT-II out of Physics+Maths+Chemistry+Literature, you have to take 2 subjects for a 2 hour exam.
Shafat, thank you asking all these questions. I will be happy to answer all your questions if you have any.